A gardening article at the onset of winter? Sure, this is part of what vertical gardening is all about. Especially up north where our growing season is about 2 months long.
Although, in the summer there are vertical options for outdoor gardens. It’s also about saving space.
Have you ever seen a wall of herbs, or greens in a kitchen? That’s a vertical garden.
There are also vertical hydroponic systems that don’t need a wall. There are so many different companies selling these, that they come in many space-saving styles.
If you’re wanting more than your herbs that you brought in for use in the winter, you can set up a vertical hydroponic garden in your kitchen. Fill it with anything you think will grow. It will be under a grow light.
Fruits and vegetables get expensive in the stores every winter. If there’s any issues with floods, fire, droughts, shipping problems, the price goes up further.
Some of the systems are expensive, some are not. Think it out ahead of time, the lighting, the extra space for growth of some plants. Lighting might be included in the more high tech setups — make sure the light bulbs are easy to find, and not becoming obselete.
You might do soil, you might go hydroponic. I think soil is easier, but some people really like hydroponics.
Both will give off some humidity, so you might have to keep an eye on that. This is easily fixed by an open window (weather permitting), or a dehumidifier.
My house is so dry in the winter, I need the extra humidity of plants.
The combination of your bright full spectrum light in your kitchen, and a fresh healthy garden all year around, and the satisfaction of self-sufficiency — this is very good for your mental health.
Especially at a time of year when some people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Growing a garden is really good for you.
The bottom of your celery can be rooted in a tiny bit of water, then planted in a pot to get another celery
Same with the bottom of your green onions, or the lettuce bottom
Hi there, just wanted to mention, I loved this article. It was inspiring.
Keep on posting!
Great article – I am sure vertical gardening will be a thing of the 2020’s as we learn more ways to stop driving to get “stuff” and start having stuff closer at hand.